Business Partners and Sponsorship Opportunities
South Carolina ASCD provides many opportunities for sponsorship with the potential to reach thousands of educators from across the state.
Featuring nationally recognized speakers at our events, our attendees include a wide range of educators including classroom teachers, principals, instructional coaches, directors, superintendents, as well as higher education professionals. SCASCD's sponsorship program gives business partners an effective channel to promote their products and services.
See our current business partners here.
Fall 2019 Whole Child Conference Sponsorship Opportunities
WHEN: Friday, October 11, 2019
WHERE: Roper Mountain Science Center, Greenville, SC
Please download sponsor application here.
Keynote Address: Dr. Akil Ross, Sr.
SCASCD's Fall 2019 Conference will feature acclaimed keynote Dr. Akil Ross, Sr. on Friday, October 11, 2019 at the Roper Mountain Science Center in Greenville, SC.
“He flunked the third grade. Now he’s the best high school principal in the nation.” This was the headline from the local newspaper after he was announced the National Principal of the Year. Dr. Akil Ross’ story is a testimony of the power a community has to transform a struggling student into a high performing student. Akil grew up in Washington, DC during the height of a drug and crime wave that claimed the potential of many young people in his community. In the midst of these conditions, transformational elements were made available that empowered him to maximize his potential.
He credits his home, his elementary school and a recreational center for teaching him how to face adversity and overcome obstacles early in his life. As a result of the high expectations, Akil earned a full scholarship to Duke University.
After graduation from Duke University, Akil moved to South Carolina, where he taught Social Studies at Eau Claire High School in Columbia. He then joined Chapin High School as an assistant principal and was later named principal of Chapin High School, a school that received many awards and recognitions under Akil’s leadership including the Palmetto’s Finest Award, Blue Ribbon Schools of Excellence Lighthouse Award, several national rankings in academics from Newsweek, Niche, Washington Post and US News & World Report. As principal of Chapin High School, Dr. Ross was named the 2017 SC Secondary Principal of the Year and the 2018 NASSP National Principal of the Year.
Agenda: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Registration/Check-In at Roper Mountain Science Center
Opening Remarks
Recognition of Whole Child Award-Winning School by the Honorable Richard Wilson Riley, former US Secretary of Education and SC Governor
Keynote: Dr. Akil Ross
Lunch Provided
Break-Out Sessions
To find out how your business can become involved in what will be an amazing event, please download the business sponsor application here.

Sponsorship Levels
Gold $1,000​
Company logo displayed on sponsor page of website for one year
Company recognized as a sponsor through social media outlets
Company recognized as sponsor during conference
Opportunity for promotional insert (subject to deadlines)
Opportunity to market company product during onsite breaks
Early access and one use of the pre-registration list, email addresses only
One use of the post-registration list, email addresses only
One table at the conference
Please download sponsor application here.
Silver $500
Company logo displayed on sponsor page of website for one year
Company recognized as a sponsor through social media outlets
Company recognized as sponsor during conference
Opportunity to market company product during onsite breaks
One use of the post-registration list, email addresses only
One table at the conference
Please download sponsor application here.
Bronze $300
Company logo displayed on sponsor page of website for one year
Company recognized as a sponsor through social media outlets
Company recognized as sponsor during conference