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Sterling School Presented 2019 South Carolina ASCD Whole Child Award 


GREENVILLE - The 2019 South Carolina ASCD Whole Child Award was presented to Sterling School, Greenville County Schools, during the SCASCD Whole Child Conference in Greenville on Friday, October 11. Principal Dr. Josh Patterson was joined by Greenville County Schools Superintendent Dr. Burke Royster, along with school and district administrators and teachers as he accepted the award from SCASCD Vice President for Programs Dr. Abbey Duggins. 

Representative Chandra Dillard, SC House District 23, Greenville, was also in attendance. She shared comments and presented a SC House Resolution congratulating Dr. Patterson and Sterling School on this great honor and accomplishment. 


Applications for the SCASCD Whole Child Award were submitted along with supporting evidence in the spring of 2019 and all applications were reviewed by a selection committee. As the winner, Sterling School received a banner and a $2,500 grant given for the purpose of implementing goals related to the tenets of the ASCD Whole Child Initiative.


South Carolina ASCD sponsors this award in support of ASCD Worldwide and The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child Initiative. This program seeks to identify schools in South Carolina that have created a school culture with programs that exemplify one of the five tenets of this Initiative: Healthy, Safe, Supported, Challenged, or Engaged.


This program recognizes South Carolina schools that have gone beyond a vision for educating the whole child to actions that result in learners who are knowledgeable, emotionally and physically healthy, civically active, artistically engaged, prepared for economic self-sufficiency, and ready for the world beyond formal schooling. This award acknowledges those schools that promote the development of the whole child. 


Sterling School has certainly demonstrated that they are committed to the tenets of the Whole Child, most specifically the tenet of support. Common expectations and a positive language is shared throughout the school with their PBIS program and is evidenced in Griffin PRIDE-which stands for positivity, respect, integrity, determination, and empathy. Teachers have participated in in-depth professional development in social-emotional learning and the effects of trauma on students. In addition to improving their school’s guided reading and balanced literacy efforts, teachers have received extensive training to implement guided math, project based learning, and SmartARTs training, all of which are necessary to engage, support, and challenge students. A personalized approach to education is not only encouraged but supported and expected. 


School leaders and educators clearly know that intentional, strong partnerships with supportive community organizations are key to the success of serving the Whole Child. Sterling School has partnered with the Nicholtown Child and Family Collaborative and the Greenville City Police to support the students and families in the community they serve. Faculty has received training in gang awareness, partnered to hold weekly open gym nights, and offered an annual summer camp that emphasizes good decision making and leadership. Sterling School is not only a leader in creating a positive social-emotional culture within their district; they also serve as a model within the state. 


South Carolina ASCD is the state affiliate of ASCD which has 68 affiliates in the 50 states and several foreign nations. Like its parent organization, South Carolina ASCD is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization with a primary mission of improving the teaching and learning of all students. We accomplish our mission by influencing educational research, policy, and practice in curriculum and instruction. 

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